Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A yearly affair.

So i was reading my last post. I kinda like it. It was short, sweet and basically summarized what i was up to. Yes, a wife.

I felt proud that I could still blog and the fact that I still have a blog. Well, that proud feeling only lasted a while, right after I saw the date I last posted. It was almost a year ago. And guess what? I now have a almost 5-month-old baby. I'll skip all the details about my pregnancy and the experiences I had during labour. A known fact to all that it wasn't easy but i kept telling myself it was Jihad and pray that Allah eases all things. He did and was so thankful for that.

My sweettiee cuttiieee pie. See him and you'll fall in love with him. His eyes shine when he smiles, flaunting his dimple on his chubby cheeks. Make him laugh and you'll see his shiny gums accompanied with contagious chuckles. Weighing a good 8kg now, he absolutely loves to be carried around not sparing any of our bones and muscles. After my mother, I swear his the next best gift God has given me. Alhamdulillah, all praises be to him.

Yes, this post basically tells what I was up to after being a wife. Yes, a mother. And so I wonder, is my blog now gonna be a yearly affair thingy? wallahualam...

Check out my cutie pie. Adorable isn't he?

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